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Seraphine Avatar

I’d love to get decants of two Chanel Les Exclusifs (Coromandel and No. 22). I just can’t bring myself to spend $450 on one bottle of perfume. Other than that, I own more than 50 full-size bottles of perfume, and I don’t really have any gaps in my collection.

Deborah S. Avatar

I don’t think I am really longing for a particular perfume or even certain notes. Because I am not a real connoisseur of perfume notes, I generally just smell around and then buy what grabs my attention. I know that I like Tom Ford Lost Cherry although it is bordering on too sweet for me. I also want to try the Izzy Miyake L’Eau d’Issey Pure Nectar and L’Eau d’Issey Pivoine. I have not smelled either one and never see them in stores so not sure I want to take a chance ordering them and then hating them. I feel like the original Izzy Miyake and Joy are with Vanille Intense are my most used and loved scents. I don’t actually follow seasons or trends in wearing perfume, I just wear what I like. I use to wear CK Eternity every single day for about 3 years and sort of burnt myself out on it but always got a ton of compliments when I wore it. It also had the added benefit of being a scent that my sister hated and always claimed to be allergic to so I had an incentive to wear it, LOL! She recently purchased a small bottle of it and brought it with her when she visited this summer. I tried to tell her not to buy me gifts, in a nice way of course. She wants to buy her way back into my graces but it isn’t going to work. I can’t support anyone who supports racism.

janine Avatar

I have a great collection of 107 scents and am thinking on getting Chanel 1957. I don’t like much of Chanel and Tom Ford either but may try Tobacco Vanille in the future and maybe a house of oud. Pretty much done for the most part. See my collection on fragrantica if you’d like.

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